We here at Young Marketers make it our mission everyday to push forward the next generation of geniuses in the $138 billion world of marketing. Marketing is something that requires your full attention, and a part of that is always learning. In my last blog, I briefly spoke about GeoPath, and why I believe it is so pertinent to everybody in our ever-growing industry. After doing the first GeoPath certification, I thought to myself wow GeoPath may be a great tool for anybody, but after this second one, those thoughts were solidified. Funny enough, the first two things this certification showed me opened my eyes to a lot. In this blog, I will detail to you what I learned about the audience customization options, the different inventory filters, and tell you what I learned and what you all should take from it.
The first topic that is touched on in the second GeoPath certification is the different audience customization options. According to GeoPath “in the GeoPath Insight Suite, there are 8000 audience variables to choose from. These are broken down into three major categories, including population, consumer profiles, and prizm premier segments” (GeoPath). In simpler terms, there’s a lot of different ways to view an audience on GeoPath. The population section allows you to filter things such as behaviors, demographics and household profile (marital status, children, vehicles, etc), which is essentially data you could get from a census. Consumer profiles allow you to sort by things a little differently, such as by restaurants, sports and leisure, retail shopping, things of that nature. Last but not least is prizm premier. Prizm premier allows you to sort by 68 different audience segments, which any household can fit in to. This includes wealthy middle age families, wealthy mature without kids, and much much more. These options and the endless customization you can do with them are useful to anybody in our industry because they can allow you to view and track data from any group of people, letting you narrow down the pool of people in such a specific way that really is amazing.
My second biggest takeaway is the inventory filters. To me, this one was definitely the “cooler” of the two, and should be the most interesting to all you reading this. GeoPath, in the Insight Suite, allows you to filter with the aforementioned inventory filters. These allow you to filter to see the different ads. This includes filtering by the type of media, like posters and billboards, all the way down to the direction they are facing. This, to me, is just super interesting. The ability to filter by something such as, roadside, freestanding, and facing north is so cool because it really allows for an endless supply of filters for anybody and anything. Short and sweet I know, but I would rather you play around with all of these see for yourself, good luck!